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INT 13h, 1Ah (26)      Format ESDI Unit                          PS/2

     Formats IBM ESDI Fixed Disks

             On entry:          AH      1Ah

                        AL      Relative Block Address (RBA) defect
                                table block count
                                = 0 . No RBA table
                                > 0 . RBA table used

                        ES:BX   Address of RBA table

                        CL      Modifier bits:
                                Bit 7   Must be 0
                                Bit 6   Must be 0
                                Bit 5   Must be 0
                                Bit 4   1 . Perform periodic interrupt
                                            (interrupt formatting
                                            after every cylinder so
                                            host program can show
                                            formatting progress)
                                Bit 3 = 1 . Perform extended surface
                                Bit 2 = 1 . Update secondary defect map
                                Bit 1 = 1 . Ignore secondary defect map
                                Bit 0 = 1 . Ignore primary defect map
                        DL      Drive Number (Bit 7 = 1 for hard disks)


     This service is for formatting high-capacity PS/2 hard disks. The
     software for this process is provided in the ESDI adapter for these
     disks. You have the option of requesting automatic interruptions after
     every cylinder is formatted (which means your program can list the
     cylinder number currently being formatted).

     This format may take more than an hour to complete, and is usally only
     performed by operating system software.

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